Yoga in the Plaza

Yoga will return this Fall for the 2024-2025 Season. Check back later and follow our social media accounts for more information on our next set of Yoga dates!

Certified Yoga Instructor Laurielle Prema will lead you through a vinyasa style yoga class to get the body and breath smoothly moving to the beat of live djembe music provided by Wayne Bovenschen. This free class is open to all levels of yoga experience.

A mat and block are recommended, but not required. If you don't have a block, no worries, a small, firm pillow will work as well. Class takes place outside in The McKnight Center Plaza; sunscreen and water are recommended. Register for your free spot in class to let us know you'll attend. Registration is recommended but not required; walk-ins welcome!

In case of inclement weather class typically meets inside The McKnight Center lobby.



Pep Rally Events